Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of one of the best years of my life....

I love you guys!  All of you...Thanks so much for all your support, love, grace, mercy, in every area; emotional, spiritual, financial, prayers and blessings.  Each of you have such a special place in my heart! 

Highlights of 2009:

(YWAM) Youth With A Mission Kona: Big Island, Hawai'i
  • Swimming with manta rays, turtles
  • Kauai: watching 5 schools of dolphins twirl and race next to our yacht

Honolulu, Oahu
  • Christ Fellowship
  • amazing One Love Ministry community
YWAM Bangalore, India\
  • The amazing friendships
  • Slingshot camp
  • Eating pizza, oh yes....American food.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Plans for the New Year...2010, ready or not, here I come!

I had an amazing Christmas....Sheeba is doing really really well. She is a wonderful hostess and I love spending time with her. Here are my plans: my friend Carol is coming on Jan 1 and we will go to Dharamsala for 2 days and then maybe Amritsar if we have time. Then I want to go up to Himachal Pradesh where I met this guy Pradeep Paul through Facebook and he said there is a guest house there I could stay. I will stay for a few days and if it is really nice, a week, and then come see you guys in Dhera Dune. I want to stay there for a week, see you guys, meet Shobith's mom, and roam around for a bit, and then I want to come with you to Orissa! Please tell me when your parents will come to pick you up! Ideally, it would be best if they were coming around Jan 21st....

Jan 1-3: Dharamsala with Carol Scott
Jan 4-5: Amritsar with Carol Scott (she returns to Delhi and then flies to Mumbai)
Jan 6-13: Manali, Himachal Pradesh with Pradeep Paul
Jan 14-21: Dhera Dune, with Shanu, Rani and meet Sho's mom & family
Jan 22-28: Orissa with Rani & her parents
Feb 1-Feb 15: Kerala-meet Aneesh and Dany?
Feb 17-28: Bangalore, then ????

So, as Sheeba and Sho have been advising me, I finally....made my tenative plans. Let me know what you all think, and if you have contacts in any of these places, I am up for staying with friends and YWAM bases.

Please pray for my safety, with people, transportation, doing God's will and being an awesome witness to strangers and friends.... pray that 2010 has even bigger breakthroughs than 2009!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My phone number in Punjab and good books to read

Christmas continues to be very nice here in Pathankot, Punjab. You can call me at Sheeba's (91) 018622 31910. (91) is India's national code. I am in total awe that it will soon be the year 2010. God bless you all!

I also finished several amazing books. The Cross and The Switchblade by David Wilkerson, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell, Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin and The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun and Greg Hattaway. All are SUPER amazing. Read ALL of them!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

It's my first Christmas without my family. : ( But I am having a wonderful time with my Punjab family in Christ. They are so amazing, loving, and so much fun! I am missing you all in Boston and Hawai'i. May the Lord be with you this season!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Heading out to Gorkha

This is our last trip in Nepal from Kathmandu. Last night we stayed at Pastor Kham's orphanage near Akantakuna. It was awesome! I love being around orphans. They are so cute, smart, amazing, loving. My favorites were Dorze (a little like Ezekiel, Lima's younger brother, and he looked just like Lila from Somang House), Anna (the sweetest girl in the whole house-I could have just loved her to death, she was so sweet and kind and just radiated goodness), and Suresh was a little dancing cutie. And though Chimon was not one of my favorites, he was just the cutest little thing, and definitely the baby of the bunch. They were so encouraging when I danced hip hop and tried to do back handsprings (especially Jennifer-the pastor's daughter).

We head to Gorkha at 10 am, Monday the 23rd, and get back on Wednesday, and then we get a whole bunch of free time to just chill and shop and prepare for the long journey home. I am praying about whether to return to Boston for Christmas, but so far it isn't like I headed that way. While I miss home A LOT, I am not sure it is part of God' plan. Read The Dream Giver, and you will see why I want to stay here. I just feel like it's part of my journey to stay here. My sister wants me to come home and just stay a while, but I know how life is, and how you tend to get stuck in a place. That's why I want to stay in India, and then head over to South Korea.

I am praying about going to Business School. I think it might be a part of my dream to get my MBA and raise money to start my own environmental business.....I've had that dream for a LONG time now, about ten years. It's true, dreams are overwhelming sometimes, and they seem Impossible and Unlikely and Scary, or even Terrifying. But I do know now that God has a HUGE plan for my life. I am prepared for Great Achievements and Successes Beyond Imagination. Are YOU? I want to know what your dream is, and how I can pray for you and encourage you. Please pray for me!!!! My dream is win millions of souls to Christ through travel, business, mission work, dancing and singing. One thing I have realized here is that I have a huge passion for creativity and dance. I don't think it will be my livelihood, but I definitely feel lively and free when I am singing and dancing for God's kingdom!!!!

I am missing everyone so passionately. I am so scared because the DTS is coming to a close and I am going to have to make some hard decisions about where I head next. Good thing I have a train ticket to Punjab! At least I know where I *think* I am going next!!! Please write and comment, it would be awesome to get some feedback from you. Love, Sung Yun

Acts 2:17
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Prayer Requests

My prayer points are:

1) God to guide me in my future plans
2) an awesome husband
3) for God to improve my character
4) my family to become Christians
5) my sister to be healed
6) better relationship with my brother
7) better communication with my family and friends

I am also praying for my brand new passport to come quickly, so we can speed up the process of getting my visa back to India.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kathmandu and first month in Nepal

The past few weeks have been absolutely amazing. I landed in Kathmandu from Kolkata (Calcutta being the name given by British colonizers) and thought it was so beautiful and clean upon landing at Tribuvhan Airport....then spent the rest of my time here getting acclimated to the dust. It is SUPER dusty, given that there is no rain. I actually think that is awesome, but do not like how the roads are so dusty. I can just imagine being in Iraq and breathing in dust and sand all the time (hats off to you, Mike!). Instead there is mist every morning and evening, so if you leave your stuff outside it gets all soggy. I LOVE our house here. It is so sweet. Like an MTV Cribs house, or the Real World with YWAM Bangalore on Outreach. We have not killed each other yet, though I think sometimes we are getting on each others nerves. It is so gorgeous...except the bed bugs. Oh yes, there are bed bugs. BED BUGS ARE HELL, FROM HELL. There was a blanket on the top shelf that we pulled out to watch a movie and I think it was infested. I can not believe they live for a year with no food! (us) After much praying and a suggestion from Cynthia (my outreach team leader from Ohio) that I put my wicker bed outside, and vacuuming like crazy, the bugs do not bite me as much. Except I think they laid eggs in my suitcase and now they are on my clothes. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!! I try to put my clothes and blanket in the sun as much as possible. But they are in the wood closets, me thinks. I am SO grateful they are not as prevalent in the past few days. It is a much needed relief.
We went to Chitwan my second week here. It was SO much fun! There is a Korean couple who run two orphanages, Hope (Somang) House and Moonlight (which has a bible college in development. Their website is They are a very cool couple and welcomed us with open arms. Please donate to them or even pray about volunteering with them for a couple weeks or months. You will NOT be disappointed. I fell in love with these small children, especially Smirti, Lila, baby Frank (we call him that because he looks JUST like Frank Khaute from YWAM Bangalore), Bindu, Binay, and some other naughty rugrats that stole our hearts. The tragic thing about each one of these 200 orphans from Hope House is that they are woken up with praise and worship music at 4:30 am. Yeah, I have never hated worship music so much as when I was being woken up at the UNGODLY hour. Seriously, this could be the biggest deterrent for me going back there. The children of all ages, from 1 or 2 years old to 17 or 18 are all amazing. We got to teach them some action songs, like I am in the Lords Army and Mercy is Falling and Jambo, Jesus Loves You, etc. Then we did some drama skits, Everything and Set Me Free, and two hip hop dances, Shackles and Diversity. But at Moonlight (sadly we were only there for one night), they TOTALLY blew us away with breakdancing and doing 3-4 backflips in a row. Their dancing was SICK! And their coordination was amazing. They made us look so sad and weak.
Chitwan has crocodiles (which I did not think there were in Nepal, sorry Ezekiel, you were right!), rhinos and tigers, some of which come right up to their campus of 10 hectares.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Call me in Nepal~!

The country code is 977 and the phone number is 9808183523.

Kathmandu, Nepal

Arrived on the 17th of October. Leaving India and arriving in Nepal was such a huge relief. They practically let me just waltz in, whereas leaving India took three or four extra days and they wanted me to pay $20 just for an exit visa. I really detest Indian bureaucracy. I know it's a great opportunity to witness, but I just feel so much contempt for these officials, whether it is the police or government officials who just seem to be so hardened and contemptuous of me for even daring to have a problem that concerns them. Yes, I know, it's not very noble of me to admit, but if you have a problem in India, it SUCKS to be you.
Yeah, so landing in Kathmandu was brilliant. It was like coming home. I don't know why. Maybe because I was here 12 years ago. !@#$%!!!!! 12!?!?!??! It's hard to believe I am the same person, with such a different life.
So, why do I love Kathmandu so much? The light, the air, it radiates beauty and lightness and freedom. Maybe it's the great mountain of Everest that lets you know, you are in a different atmosphere here. Maybe it's the excitement of unexplored territory and Shangri-La and the romantic history of hippies and Buddhist temples and monks. Anyway, my heart soared. Maybe because I didn't have to deal with Indian officials anymore. Just kidding. The people here are much nicer than in India. Sorry, my Indian friends. Nothing personal. Maybe it's not even true. But anyway, something here (maybe it's the gorgeous, and I mean GORGEOUS!) house we are staying in. The light continues to be beautiful. How can the light be so different here? Yes, the roads are dusty, the air is so clean. Love and peace fills my heart whenever I look out the window. Yes, it's a new day. Hallelujah!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Racism is a plague that infects every corner of the globe. Humans/we assign value to others determined by color of your skin, how much money or possessions you have, your clothing, your beauty, and so much more. It is a very complicated and intricate system. Maybe you live in a tribe in Africa or a high rise in Bangalore or Boston, but everywhere in the world, there is an intricate pecking order, your status in your tribe or community, by age or caste or gender. It's a delicate balance and system that we are terrified to admit to and even question. This world order, even if we live in very small and cushioned worlds, is safe, because it's what you were taught. You better not break the system, because then people will attack you, or kill you. If you try to break out of this way of thinking, you will most certainly be punished. But the greatest leaders in the world try to break this system, and they paid dearly for it, with their lives. Abraham Lincoln, abolishing slavery. Martin Luther King, Jr, fighting the inequalities of our caste and color system. John F. Kennedy, a Catholic. Muhatma Gandhi, freedom from British rule. Indira Gandhi, a woman, a political leader. But they all tried to break the mold and the world order in one way or another. And in this way, they made history.
Value. We can get our value from the world or we can get our value from heaven. In the Holy Bible is says we are all equal and Go'ds children and made in the image of God. God does notg assin value to the superficial--He looks at our hearts. When you get to heaven, he won't look a thte size of your bank account, house, skind color, make of your car, He will ask, what does your heart look like? What did you do to share my love with those around you? Did you show them the love and message of Jesus? What did you tell those who were in pain and suffering, and how did you help them? What did you do with your life? What did you do in my name?
It is so easy to be offended and by divided by race and class and caste and hair color and gender and beauty. But being offended and hurt and destroyed by this system is a part of Satan's plan to kill, steal, rob and destroy us. It's his plan to separate us from each other and from God's love.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Outreach to Nepal

Praise the Lord! I got my outreach assignment....I am really excited to be going to Nepal!!!! The teams are small, there will be me and three other girls, three boys, and two staff. Please pray for our team! I am in Bangalore from now until Oct 8th, and then I will be on my way to Kathmandu, Nepal and arrive Oct 11th. Yeah, five days of travelling. Whee! We'll be there until about December 3rd, doing outreach in the city and visiting different villages. I think we'll be connected to the YWAM base in Kathmandu and doing outreach to prostitutes and child laborers and foreign travellers. And then I'll be back in Bangalore for a week for debriefing and graduation. I haven't made plans for after December 12th when my school ends. I will try to keep you all posted as to my travel plans for afterward.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Arriving in Asia

Standing at a free internet kiosk in Singapore. It's 9 am in San Francisco, and 1 am the next day in Singapore. Time is weird here. It's weird to have skipped a whole day in advance! The airport is just like I thought it would be; modern, clean and sparkling. And there are so many Asians here, East and South. I will probably check out the butterfly garden, seeing as I have a six hour layover. I might try to sleep some in the airport. We shall see.

JULY 23, 2009
My last 30 minutes on U. S. soil. Lots of brown and yellow people with smatterings of ochre. I'm going back to Asia. Praise the Lord! They let you check two bags in with Singapore Airlines. What a luxury. I have to say, Hawaiian and Singapore really know how to make you feel pampered. It's funny how the smallest things mean so much when you are frazzled and nervous and sometimes on the verge of panic! But I did get to my flight way early. Huge relief. It's exciting to be back on the road. I guess 2009 is a big year for travel for me!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Leaving this gorgeous place

My going away party on Saturday night was totally awesome.  We went to Buca di Beppo for dinner and then Donnie's for the after party.  They all affirmed me and then prayed for me.  It was a totally amazing high.  I've been getting really little sleep, but it's so worth it.  I guess my body is being trained to wake up at 6 am in India every day.  Leaving is actually an amazing experience here, because people totally love on you so much.  And guess what?  I got baptized yesterday!  It was pretty cool, and the perfect timing.  I did the Ala Moana dunk.  No doves landed on my head, but the clarity I felt since 5:30 in the morning and praying with God was pretty cool.  

In Kaua'i, it really hit me...I am am heading off to India, and the realization that I will no longer be able to swim at these beautiful Hawai'ian beaches is really tough.  I guess I kind of started taking it for granted here.  No more 5:30 swims with Donnie and Jamie on a whim, like we did this morning!  

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Made it to Maui!

Flight with Robby was perfect! Well, it was a bit turbulent at the beginning with some low flying clouds and winds. It figures, the one cloudy day in a zillion is when I am flying in a cute little four seater! Go, upchuck! Well, I felt so much better afterward and got to enjoy the view. Oh my gosh, talk about incredible. We flew right over Molokai and got to see Kaho' olowe and Lanai in the distance. Perfect landing! I definitely prayed a lot!

They dropped me off in the next town (this dude at the airport let us borrow his Lexus....and yes, God is so good), a cute little beach town called Pa'ia. It is so quaint and beautiful, a lot like Haleiwa, on Oahu's North Shore. I was not sure what to do, since I was supposed to stay with Maria, and my phone was a mess, so I could not reach her. But I met a guy at the gas station where Robby and Keith dropped me off, and we went to swim a great waterfall. So perfect! On the way back we went to the YWAM Maui base in Haiku, and everyone knew her there! So we gave this guy Nick a ride down to Pa'ia, and he knew her and where she lived. We went to watch the sunset, and then Nick said it was cool for me to stay there per Maria and Brian. The stars were brilliant! It was a perfect, perfect first day in Maui.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Going to Bangalore, India

Amazing news. I got accepted to Youth With A Mission's Discipleship Training School! Yay! I have been praying for a long time to go to India, so it's nice to finally get some real confirmation. I also have been hearing from the Lord that I should spend the rest of my time in Maui, so I'm going to move over there in the next week or so. Lot of nervous excitement and expectation. I am reading this amazing book called The Shack by William Paul Young, and it's been so awesome in opening up my idea of who God is and how we can choose to live in God's amazing kingdom. Mostly, it opens up my ideas of freedom and not livng within the boundaries of human thinking.

What is freedom? How can we truly be free and live a life that reflects God's awesome liberty? It's not easy for me, and I think I'm one of those people who feels relatively liberated from the confines of human society and thinking. But I know that I am so far from true liberation. I still care too much about what people think, and not focusing on purely God's voice. But the voice that is telling me to go to Maui seems to be God's, as it is not my flesh, and I don't think it is from Satan. I feel like God is telling me that he has really amazing things in store for me over there. Honolulu is amazing, but it is far from perfect. I came here not knowing what to expect, and he delivered in such an incredible way. So, how can we expect less than miracles from a God whose power and love is limitless?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Surfing History

Day One: with Peter Boardman, friend of Chung's, down in Cape Cod. Really cool, got up for 2 seconds.

Day Two: with Steve Zelman, friend from LA, again in Cape Cod. Scary 4-8 foot waves. Getting pounded was NOT fun. No, I didn't even make it up.

Day Three: with Paul Sullam, Haleiwa, famed and beautiful surf spot in the North Shore. I finally rode a wave and it was the thrill of my life!!!!!!

Day Four: Barber's Point. Beautiful beautiful beach. Monk seal swam by. I got into the water too late. No dice.

Day Five: with Paul, again, this time at Secrets. I thought I was pretty much gonna die on the coral. No up.

Day Six: with Paul at Queen's, next to Waikiki. Still coral, but not as threatening. Still no up.

Day Seven: with Paul at Queen's, again. Two perfect waves, but actually ended up right behind two other guys. I was basically boogie boarding on a surfboard.

Scored a free 8 ft surfboard yesterday when I was at Electric Beach. Basically I found this guy on Craigslist, and he wanted to sell me this board for $60. It was brown, and handsome, very retro, but it was CLEARLY well used. My friend said NO WAY and said, offer him $10. I said no thanks, so he said, "Just keep it then", in a huff. So that is how I scored my first surfboard, completely free. By the way, it doesn't have any skegs. But I found a leash at Waikiki. So I think I will be in business soon....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Arrival In Oahu

I flew into Honolulu, the capital city of the lovely island of Oahu on the 13th of April. So far I have seen so many lovely beaches. I went surfing on the North Shore at Haleiwa and caught two of the sweetest waves ever!!!!!! I love surfing. I am still looking for housing for a couple of months. So please pray for me that everything works out...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Six Degrees of Separation on Facebook

Ok, I feel a little naive or something, but I just typed my friend Masi's name in FB and FIVE PEOPLE popped up all with the name Masi in it and with mutual friends. It made me realize how freaking small this world is, and how there really ARE six degrees of separation. It was so crazy!!! I bet if you just typed in random names, chances are you would have SOOO many with mutual friends. I don't know why, but that really kind of blew my mind and freaked me out a little!!!! And of course I had to share....miss you, love you all. Pray for me to be safe in Oahu....TEN MORE DAYS!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

God's leading and guidance

God is stretching me. I feel like I am maturing a little, and getting to know my strengths and weaknesses so much better. My biggest area of weakness is probably tardiness and procrastination. But the Good Lord has moved in my life and I have a place to stay in Oahu for a week or so, and I am going to buy my ticket today....

Please keep praying for me in my area of finances. I would like to begin fundraising about $3,000 for my DTS in Bangalore, India, and also prayer about places opening up for me to stay in Oahu and Maui. I feel like God is leading me to Maui, but that's tough because I know more people in Oahu. I have one contact in Maui and about 5 or 6 in Oahu. But Oahu will be more a party town, which isn't the best environment for me. Please just keep praying for me, for safety, a roof over my head, finances, etc.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


My time here is coming to a close. I have travelled all over the island and I am ready to check out Oahu and Maui!!!! I leave April 10th and will stay with my friend Paul in Honolulu!!!! Yay. Now all I have to do is buy my ticket!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My life in Kona, Hawai'i as a Mission Builder

Life as a Mission Builder is pretty regimented.  I got a day off from "work" to go to a DTS class. That stands for Discipleship Training School and we get these amazing speakers from all over the world. They talk about their experiences and the things they've learned over the years. Some of it is pretty cool, some really supernatural. It's so inspiring! So my plans right now are to go to Maui and Oahu for a month or two after April 10th, when my term here ends. Then I am thinking of doing a DTS at YWAM-Bangalore in India!!!! I've always wanted to go to India, and I feel like God is finally calling me there! So, I have a lot of little things to take care of at home, but I am not worrying about it too much! God is taking care of life and me very well, and I am just growing and stretching and healing. I love it here. Oh, yeah, which leads me to why I thought of you! I had the second part of the day off, and I went to this really cool beach called

Kahalu'u Beach Park, or otherwise known to us as Children's Beach

South/Central Kona, Big Island, Hawaii. Even though the beach is usually crowded, the fantastic swimming at Kahaluu is enough to make a visit essential even for the agoraphobic. Gentle wave action within the confines of the bay creates a situation ideal for the beginning swimmer or snorkeler. But be careful not to venture outside the protected waters of the bay. Deadly riptides lurk just beyond. Kahaluu is the site of more rescues than any other Kona beach.

Notes :: Though its diversity of marine life (including angelfish, parrotfish, and unicornfish) is enough to qualify Kahaluu for status of a marine life conservation district, the deeply-entrenched local tradition of hukilau net fishing insures that Kahaluu remain a fishing ground.

Yeah, so I saw so many beautiful interesting fish, and it was the best snorkeling I had seen all island! I was pretty excited....I saw so many beautiful and rather large fish. A sea turtle also swam right up to me, which was super cool. I also swum with one for a long time yesterday at Queen's Bath. Then we went out to this cheesy Irish restaurant called Quinn's, but the food was a little bit of a disappointment.

       I was just SO sick of the New England lifestyle fight...because it really was a fight. I'm glad to be "on the road" again, though I get a little sad at not being rooted and being in the safety of my own home bubble. Mostly, though, the experiences and sights and being in the ocean swimming every single day is something I would never give up right now and I'm even starting to take it for granted!

For my birthday, I am really getting excited to go out to dinner with all my friends. We are going to Sushi en Fuego!!!! Yay, I really need some good food...

It's really cool, I get to see so much amazing fish and wildlife here.
As for kimchee, we have been getting this stuff called New York style kimchee, which is amazing, but you can get any stuff at Super 88, which is pretty good.

 that's where I put up a lot of pictures and updates... I still want to live in Korea, but I am not sure when. I am definitely Asia bound, that is very very likely. I have not seen any wild pigs in the wild, but we do have wild pigs in captivity, which is close enough. They eat our leftovers, which saves us a lot of money in food pickup costs. Let's see, I have seen turtles, dolphins, whales, geckos (I just found one in my mesh organizer on my desk!), an eel (yesterday), and really cute puppies. Okay, those aren't wild, but they sure were the cutest things I've ever seen, especially since these really cute Hawai'ian baby girls were holding them.
Sadly, no surfing yet, just boogie boarding and body surfing. I really want to learn and will try to take lessons soon.

 I would love to hear about any more plans you have in the future. Big hug, Sung Yun

Friday, March 13, 2009

Need Prayer!

I hurt my back on Monday need lots of prayer. I was trying to pick up my friend....and heard a little crack. When I dance, walk or move, it doesn't hurt, but when I sit still, it starts to get stiff. I am going to see a chiropractor after years of resisting them. Guess all those car/bike accidents have really thrown my spine out of whack. I feel like there is a huge element of a spiritual battle, as I am forced to trust in God more and stop trying to rely on myself less. It's hard for me to trust that God will completely take care of me, and stop trying to have such huge expectations of humans to meet my needs. But thank you all for your prayers and love and words of encouragement. I have to admit, I am finally starting to miss Boston/Brookline a little, the little things like awesome restaurants, and even my streets, and especially my parents and friends. I love you all SOO SOO SOO much and miss you loads!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Last night something really incredible happened. We raised over $600,000 in the span of a half an hour. It was so amazing to have God really deliver on a promise of a breakthrough. It just goes to show you what God can deliver when you ask Him...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My weeks as a Mission Builder with YWAM/U of N Kona

Mondays-praise and worship at 8 am. Sets a great tone for the whole week. I get to dance and pray and sing. Yay!

Tuesdays-Weekly MB meeting at 6 pm. Say hello to new MBs and say goodbye to leaving MBs.
SKATE NIGHT! Skateboarding and breakdancing. Awesome. My favorites are the little 4-6 year olds on their skateboards.

Wednesdays-Bible studies, sometimes

Thursdays-Praise and Worship. This is usually the highlight of the week. We get to cry and release all of our worries to God.

Fridays-we're gonna start having movie nights.

Saturdays-weekend trips!!!!

Sundays-church and more weekend trips!

Mission Builders Website

Monday, February 23, 2009

Maps of Hawai'i & Saying Goodbye to the Koreans

Maps of Hawai'i:

This weekend was awesome! My Korean friends were all leaving this weekend, so we had a long extended goodbye weekend together. Daniel (Bumsoo Opa) rented this sick white SUV and we went up to Mauna Kea, which is one of the world's best observatories. We ate at Huli Sue's, which has a well deserved reputation as one of the best pork ribs and banana cream pies on the Island if not all of Hawai'i. Unfortunately they were out of ice cream, so we couldn't try their amazing milkshakes.

It was still an amazing sunset, and when we got to the top, it was all cloudy. It usually never clears, but we all prayed, and LO and BEHOLD, the clouds parted and we saw amazing amazing stars!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you didn't read my previous blog, it's one of the world's best observatories. Go during the new moon, as the full moon usually gives off too much light. But I learned some new constellations.

The next morning we woke early and hit up Waipio Valley, Akaka Falls, Hilo and Laupahoehoe Point Beach Park. There is this great mochi shop called Two Ladies Kitchen which has the BEST strawberry mochi. No, I don't consider myself a foodie, but after hanging out with a serious foodie (Bumsoo works in a Japanese restaurant in Korea and aspires to be the next Iron Chef....) and an amateur foodie named Hye Won, (she takes pictures of the food presentations like Anna Ing) I think I'm a notch below foodie.

I miss my Koreans. FOUR left today, which was awful. Two more leave on the 27th, and then it will only be me and Yuri. It's so huge having them here, and it's gonna be so weird without them. Their sweet sweet sweetness will be truly truly missed.

That's definitely the hardest thing about being a Mission Builder. Friends are always coming and going. You get to know people so well, and then poof, they're gone!!!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Letter to brother Chung

Haha, that is so funny that you are eating all this Hawai'ian food. I really love the macadamia nuts here. The pineapples are pretty good, too. I really miss all of the good cheap food in Boston though. All of the Asian restaurants here are really expensive and not even that good. I got Thai noodles and it was terrible. Well, it didn't taste like Thai food AT ALL! I can't believe that you are skiing. It seems weird that anyone is skiing right now when it is 80-85 degrees here everyday. All I can say is that I am super glad not to be freezing my butt off.

Yeah, it is a really small world, especially New England and New York. Thanks for letting me know how things are going over on the East Coast. I miss it a little over there.

But I am really glad to be here, especially all of the fun stuff we do. Yesterday I did yoga off the beach with my two friends and her mother at this church called Living Stones. It's so funny, they call it Y.ielding tO. G.od's A.uthority. I have seen so many whales and dolphins off the coast because this is the peak season (January to April) when they travel down from Alaska. It is so incredible. I really want to swim with whales and dolphins. I am glad you saw the pictures. I am going to try to put a lot more up on facebook and my blog soon.

big hug, Sung Yun

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Waimea, Spinner Dolphins, and Luau

Every day here is full. This past Sunday, Feb 1st, was a relaxing hour long drive to Waimea with Anthony and Robert. They are both Canadians, and sadly both leaving this week. That's one of the hardest things about being a Mission Builder-you bond with people and then they leave.

We drove up to the northern part of the Big Island, my first time up there. It's cattle country, home to one of the largest ranches in the U.S., Parker Ranch. It has around 135,000 cattle. The landscape is bizarre and beautiful. The cacti are like sculpture, popping out of the ground among the grazing cattle. The mountains are reminiscent of Bolivia and China, and definitely give you a feeling of being in another country. I often feel that way being here, with the incredibly varied and lush plant and wildlife.

We didn't have time for a horseback ride, since I needed to be back by 5 pm for a luau, so we stopped on the mountainside for a nice half hour nap. It was quite restful and peaceful.

The artwork in this one gallery we stopped in was incredible. He paints landscapes as if they were a picture, with a glass bowl effect.

We got back in time, but my friend Jim was not around, so I hurried down to the pier, and as I walked along the wall, I heard a woman exclaim, "What is that?" and a man who lived here for 12 years said, "Spinner Dolphins!" He said this was very very rare that they came this close to the pier, and had only seen anything like that 4 or 5 times. Incredible. I was so excited and sad that I wasn't wearing my bathing suit as I wanted nothing more than to jump off the pier and join them. But it seemed that the people on paddleboards and swimming were pushing them away. At least I got to watch them break the water gracefully with their fins, sometimes 7-10 at the same time. And they would sometimes break out of the water completely doing complete 720 degree spins in the air and dropping back in. It made my heart soar. I had been praying the day before for God to send me some dolphins and whales.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Life for the first 9 days in Kona!

Dear Loved ones,

I am having the MOST wonderful time here in Kona. For those of you who don't know Hawai'i, I am staying on the Big Island, which is the biggest and also the most rural/least populated. It's absolutely beautiful here, at about 80-85 degrees every day. In Celsius, that is…? I arrived here on January 9, so 10 days! I spent a week in San Francisco visiting friends. Right now my official end date is Feb 28th, but it is more likely that I will be staying until April 10th. My day starts at 5:45 am, drive the van at 5:55 and 6:10 (we have new people coming in every day), have prayer together at 6:15 and eat breakfast until 7:00. Then I have kitchen duty from 7-9 am, unless it is Monday, then we leave at 8 am for worship. From 9-3, I work in Staff Services, which is really nice because I get to work on the computers and interact with all of the incoming staff. It is easier and more fun than working in the kitchen all day. I prayed from God to give me the best possible position and he answered my prayers. I lucked out because I also speak Korean, and they thought my translating skills would come in handy, with so many Koreans on campus. My roommate is this really cool redheaded 19 years old from Saskatchewan, Canada, which is……unfortunately, she is leaving today. The days are warm, but it starts off cold in the morning and gets really warm by around 10 or so. The nights are much cooler as well. There are two sides to the island, and we are on the dry side, as opposed to Hilo, which is the wet side. But this weekend we got a storm, and the biggest swells (waves) in the three years hit! The surfers were pretty happy with that! I have not been able to get up on a surf board yet, but I plan to soon. So far I have only been boogie boarding once. The waves were pretty big, and it is a little overwhelming.

1st day: Arrived at 1 pm (plane was delayed an hour because a truck backed into our plane and we couldn't get one of our thrusts up, but not a problem). Unpacked, went to a Kona coffee plantation. The coffee here is usually 100% organic, and tastes SO good. It is not bitter at all. Oh, and the macadamia nuts are SOOOOO good. I also found a ripe avocado on the ground, which they let me keep. I haven't seen any wild dolphin yet, but there was a family from the South Shore that saw about 65 of them, and even had a whale almost tip their boat over. That's the kind of experience I want to have!!!! Then I met my friend Sam, who is from England, a 21 year old blond kid who is loads of fun. We walked down to the pier and I jumped off. You just have to be careful because there are vauna, sea urchin, which are dangerous if you step on one. They are a blackish purple, and are EVERYWHERE in the water. There was a luau going on across the water, which we could hear, but couldn't see. But we walked over and got our pictures taken with them.

2nd day: It was great to arrive on the weekend because it was all fun and no work. We went to the Hilton Hotel, which was like a miniature Disney World. But I think I liked it more than Disney. There was a mini tram, boat, a huge pool system, which had waterfalls, water slides and a nice Jacuzzi underneath. We also saw five dolphins, which I kind of felt bad for, that they couldn't swim free in the wild. But they were so amazing to watch. The wildlife, fauna and flora is just so amazing here. Everything is so bright and colorful, and exotic. We have resident geckos, which are bright green and crawl everywhere. It is fun watching them race around, and hop from wall to wall. Unfortunately, with the good comes the ugly, such as flying cockroaches, which actually aren't that bad.

3rd day: Sunday, Sam and I went to Kamauimaua Church, which is the very first church built in Hawai'i in 1820. The pastor was super cool. Everyone here is SO laid back, it's a nice change of pace from Boston. We went to Hapuna Beach the next day, which was where I went boogie boarding. The waves are huge, and my friend Anthony got swiped by his boogie board on a large wave and it left a mark. That night we went to Kona Inn and got mud pies, which are SO delicious! It is Kona ice cream with a cookie crust and whipped cream on top. They are so big that 5 of us all shared one!

There are SOOOO many Koreans here. It is awesome and feel so much at home. The demographics are pretty much all white and Korean, not much else. There are SO many Canadians, and many from Washington. There were two other Korean Americans, but they left, and the five others are from Korea. There is also a huge contingent from Pennsylvania, particularly many Mennonites, and they are only here for about two weeks at a time. They are working on a new building that is going up pretty soon.

So, I am a Mission Builder, and we are all volunteers, staying on Hale Ola, which is about a mile from the main campus at the University of the Nations, Kona. We take shuttle buses to eat food and do our main work there every day. The main campus is huge, and most of the students there are doing their DTS, which is the Discipleship Training School.

4th day: Monday, First day of work. Kitchen is a little harder, but it is fun because we are all there together. There are pretty much two groups of people, twenty somethings and the older couples. I am the only person in my 30s and Anthony is the only one in his 40s. There are some rare men (2) that are not married, but pretty much everyone else is in their 50s or 60s and married. But everyone gets along really well, and we try to mix together. My boss Dave is a surfer, and he's younger than me, so he listens to cool music and is pretty chill. Dottie also works in my office and she is older, and she always buys snacks for our office. It reminds me of being at Dana Farber, where there were always treats lying around.

5th day: Tuesday, group meeting. Got to meet all the new people. SKATE NIGHT! One of the highlights of my time here. It's basically a way to outreach to all the young people in our community, and it is AWESOME! There is cool music playing, and a ton of ramps set up. I was basically the ONLY girl there (actually skating) among about 50 boys and young guys. It was my first time really skateboarding, and it was SO much fun!!!!!!!! I have gotten up on a skateboard before, but never really did it for any prolonged period of time. This was a nice long stretch of two hours of skateboarding. No tricks yet, but I can go across the length of a basketball court without falling off! Although I did have one nasty spill and fell, so my wrist is a little sore. A Korean guy taught me some new breakdancing moves as well. People were shocked that I just got up on stage and started dancing……ha ha, they will learn soon enough. I wasn't wearing long sleeves though, so I didn't dance too much.

6th day: Wednesday, finally did laundry, jumped off the pier, which I do almost every day.

7th day: Thursday, praise and worship in the Ohana court. I finally got to hear Loren Cunningham speak. He's the founder of YWAM and he is just the funniest, most down to earth guy. Talk about humble and sincere. Amazing.

8th day: Aloha Friday! Yup, that's what they call it here. Pretty awesome vibe! I feel like I have found my second home. Boston will always be my home, but there is a part of me that really wants to settle or spend more time on the West Coast. Yes, I love California. I could definitely spend quite a bit of time in Hawai'i, though I am not sure if I could live here forever….but then again, there are people who have lived here for twenty years and they are surprised that they are still here. That could be me!

Storms and high seas. Pouring rain. More mud pies, this time at Bubba Gump's shrimp.

9th day: Saturday. We went to Mauna Lani, another high class resort, and saw my first turtles up close. They were lying out in the sun on the rocks, and just looked so sweet, like husband and wife. One was bigger than the other, and had his eye open, and the smaller one was nestled under his arm. So peaceful.


This weekend we are going to South Point, which is the southernmost point in the entire U.S. I hear there are 30-50 foot cliffs. Pray that I don't hurt myself! It hardly seems like I have only been here for a week and a half. It feels like months! I miss you all and my prayers are with you! love, Sung Yun

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life in Kona

Hard to believe I have only been here for five days. Feels like I have been for a few weeks already. My apologies for not sending news of how I am doing earlier, just been so busy adjusting to my new life here at the University of the Nations in Kona.

Ok, quick run down: 1st day, unpacked, saw a Kona coffee plantation, with the most delicious coffees. Went diving/swimming off the pier.

2nd day: Went to the Hilton Hotel, where there were dolphins, an incredible pool (they were really four in one, waterfalls and a jacuzzi.

3rd day: Makauikaua church, first church ever built in Hawai'i, founded in 1820.


look to my next blog for more details! : )

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Amazing Day in San Francisco

Welcome to my blog! I would like to have started on January 1st to chronicle my year of adventure, but alas. My year started off wonderfully with my parents and family friend Mr. Kim. In Korean culture, New Year's Day is an exciting celebration of everyone's birthday and the beginning of a new year and a fresh start. He bought a huge platter of sashimi. Yum, yum! I left South Station for New York City on the Bolt Bus. Met this really cool kid named Kimball Gallagher, a pianist, and we hung out at this diner on the corner. Watched a movie with Chung, The Accidental Husband. Quality time with brother. He drove me to the airport: nothing like cruising the streets of NYC at 5 am in a sleek black BMW. My high school friend Mollie Wong got a membership as a Christmas present to the California Academy of the Sciences. For those of you not from San Francisco, it is Boston's Aquarium, Museum of Science and New York's American Museum of Natural History‎ all rolled into one. AMAZING! We got to see a really cool show at the Planetarium, and walked around the Aquarium downstairs where I saw an albino crocodile.

Then I met up with Demian Bigelow, also from Latin, but from the class ahead of me. His wife Ally and son Zachary came along, and I proceeded to have one of the BEST days of my life. Ah, to see life through the eyes of a 3 year old is one of the most incredible experiences in the world. We got to see a domed rainforest with gorgeous butterflies flying all around, and tons of geckos and fish. A pretty blue butterfly walked onto my finger and fluttered silently.

My last day was the 8th and saw Jen Greene who chatted with me while I packed to leave Lauren's apartment. We went over to the wharf and boarded the feerry to see Alcatraz Prison with my friend Bhavana Chawla. It was so much fun to see San Francisco from the Bay and even saw two sea lions frolicking off the coast of Alcatraz Island!!! Then we had dinner with Yulin and her friend and went out to a bar in the Castro. Blast from the past, saw Thonsey Keopanya there as well! All in all, I got to catch up with many Boston pals, which was really nice. I have since left California for Hawaii!