Sunday, May 22, 2011

Top 5 Reasons to Abstain from Sex before Marriage

1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases-best way to not worry and not catch them... Stop having sex before marriage! Condoms break. And even if they don't, they still don't protect against most STDs.

2. Trust-if you're ready to take that crazy step of faith, you might be ready to trust someone with your body...and your life.

3. Pregnancy-Raising a child in this world will take lots of energy, time and money. Are you prepared? Will your one night stand help raise your child?

4. Abortion. Not ready to have a baby? Ready to be a murderer? Koreans count the 9 months in your mother's womb as the beginning of life. Koreans are wise people. ; )

5. Head games. Not sure if he or she truly loves you? Well, if they're willing to commit to spend the rest of your life together, it's gotta mean something, right?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

funding the terrorists in Pakistan

Okay, $1,000,000,000 per year to Pakistan. Sadly, we are paying or hopefully !were! funding large sums of money to people who essentially hate us. Or hate Chrisitians. And Hindustan (India). Pakistan an ally to the U.S.? That's a joke if I ever heard one. When you read 3 Cups of Tea, now I really know who's been funding the mahadrassas (sic?), the schools of jihad...probably not the was probably US!!! Who's friggin hare-brained idea was that? 10 years ago...that's George W. Bush!!! None of this is making ANY sense to me at all. Why would we send that kind of money that way? Do you know what $1 billion can buy in Pakistan????? I think it proves that George W. Bush is not a Christian. Because the Holy Spirit could NOT have advised this...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Furiously Happy

Today, I am furiously happy. I'm finishing my 3 day fast in 2 hours, which I am wildly excited about. The funny thing is, I'm not even excited about eating, I am excited about the spiritual cleansing not eating has given me. I got a chance to resolve some things with people and air some feelings that were clamped down inside my heart and it was eating me up! But I love that God has given me the gift of tears. I can't imagine being one of those people who never cries and never being able to release these serious emotions. Crying is a shower for the soul.

I feel so blessed to be in a church community. So many times I meet people who say they believe in Jesus, but they don't want to go to church. WHAT?!?!?!?! Obviously Jesus never told us to go to church, but that's because he started a movement that we are called to follow. Paul the apostle was given direct insight from God on how we were supposed to act as a body of believers, but really, a body of believers will be filled with humans. And you know humans! They are filled with SIN! So we have this inherently sinful group of people, that is NOT God, but is supposed to FOLLOW GOD, but as we all know, PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES! That's why you can't dismiss church because people will hurt your feelings or piss you off or rub you the wrong way. You're going to have these things happen to you. Without a doubt, without a question. But the beauty of a body of believers is that we are each called to love and serve the LORD, and each other. That's all. And if we both have the same set of instructions, beliefs and goals, we'll eventually have to end up in the same place. NO CHURCH IS PERFECT! Why? Because humans are imperfect, sinful, broken. But as a body of believers, we are called to humbly limp together as best we can to love and care and pray for each other as much as we know how and love each other as Jesus loves us. It's odd, but it works.

Sung Yun's Top Ten Reasons to go to Church!

10. Praise and Worship. Where else are you going to sing your heart out and dance around like crazy and not look like a nut? Ok, I look like a nut anyway, but at least it's tolerated or mildly understood!
9. You get to dress up and wear cute outfits and strut your stuff! (okay, not really, I was just checking to see if you were paying attention.)
8. You have a community of people who will pray for you as you struggle through life's inevitable struggles.
7. Communion with God. It says in King James Bible, Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." It's a time to reflect on God and everything he is blessing you with.
6. You get to hear wonderful scripture. Let's face, you and I both know we all fail at keeping up with our Bible reading. At the very LEAST, it's a dose of much needed scripture. Why do you need scripture? It's the Word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit, which is one of our most powerful weapons against the enemy. When he's attacking, you need a counter attack.
5. If you're not in a family, it's harder for you to grow. Growth takes discomfort and change! God's changing you and developing you so you can be of use to him in advancing HIS plan and HIS kingdom. Not yours. (Ok, that was a little plagiarized from my pastor's sermon today.)
4. Accountability! It's a group of people who will keep you in check. Your ego. Your sin struggles/issues. (Everyone has one, trust me.)
3. A place for you to tithe! God gives us 100% of what he have. He asks us to give him 10% back as a love offering. A thank you. And then he will actually bless you with much more! You do the math, it's a win win situation! Try it for one year. Even if you don't believe in God, send a check to any church (mine is Beacon City Church if you don't know where to find one), 10% of all your earnings, and just see if he doesn't bless you above and beyond by the end of the year! You'd be silly not to benefit from his financial blessings!
2. School of life. Life on earth is a just a training ground for HEAVEN (if you let Jesus into your heart, receive Him as your Savior who died for your sins so you can become a new creature in Christ who follows his commands and shares His love with others) or HELL, (if you refuse to accept Jesus into your heart and say that it's just a bunch of baloney and continue sinning and refuse to turn away from your sin and help and love others).
1. Where else are you gonna meet other Jesus freaks?

Ask not what your church can do for you, but what you can do for your church. Too many people come in with the attitude, what are these people doing for me? That might be a wrong attitude! Think about it. Jesus was serving his constituents, and the disciples were healing and sharing Jesus' plan of salvation. They weren't like, oh, what are these people doing for me? It's actually a pretty simple formula. You love others, and God loves you. You meet others' needs, God meets yours. Cool, huh?

If you're not attending church, I question whether you are truly committed to following Christ and loving your fellow human. Or if there is something on your heart you need to approach people about, and forgive them for. My take on Christian conflict is that at least ONE or BOTH members are in sin. We are commanded, if we have a problem, to approach that person directly. Not backstab, backbite, gossip, but to directly go to that person and talk about what's bothering you. Jesus calls for assertive people. Not passive aggressive, but straight up and directly. Paul was all about owning your feelings and taking responsibility for them, as well as your actions. I love that about being a believer in Christ. There is one truth, and that is truth is LOVE. Love of God, love of Jesus, love of Holy Spirit, love of one another. There is always a truth and clarity in love.