Just saw Jesus Culture at the House of Blues with my friend Amy who blessed me with a free ticket! Yay for my friend Yuri who blessed me with $5 for the coat check. Yes, too steep! We saw no less than 6 miraculous hearings tonight. One woman with a 17 year heart condition was delivered. One man's knee now no longer has problems. Another woman was numb in her knee and she now has feeling again. One man's arm, completely pain free. One boy's stuffy nose, gone. (That one was the cutest!) I'm stil waiting for a healing on my chronic neck and lower back pain but God said He would deliver me tonight. I'm on fire for Him and I am hearing Him so clearly tonight it's off the chain! He is bringing revival THROUGH US!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!! This fast has been amazing, and I can't wait to tell you about my new friend who is an Orthodox Jew who said that two things that he has been waiting for ONE year came to pass yesterday. I KNOW that was Jesus moving in his life to show him how much he loves him and wants to bless him abundantly. I know God is moving and is powerful beyond belief. God, you are so good...