Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Giving up Facebook for Lent

It's been a good lesson in how "connected" we need to be, or at least feel. So far I have found that I have not missed it too much, nor missed too many events.  I find that I am less self centered and self promotional.  But I have found that it's a great way to connect with MANY people instantly.  I miss it but so much awesome stuff has happened bc I am not constantly checking News Feeds and status updating my life constantly!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Evangelism Challenge lifts off, 2015!

Okay, so last year I met this kid Emmanuel, and I shared the gospel with him, or rather, found out that he was a Christian.  We found each other on facebook and he told me that he wanted to take up the #evangelismchallenge.  Last year 3 other men and a pastor's daughter also took up the challenge. But then Emmanuel started posting them in the same style that I had been posting them, and seeing them written out like that was really just so mindblowing.  You know how you have been dreaming about something for SO LONG and then you start to see it materialize right before your eyes?  THAT'S WHAT THIS IS LIKE.  I am a dreamer, a poet, a dancer, at heart, but in this world I am also a mover, a shaker, a world changer, a hell destroyer.  Yes, we are coming for all the demons of hell to be bound and destroyed.  We know how it ends in Revelations.  Satan is destroyed and he knows that Jesus is coming back to rule this earth so he's trying to bring all the people of this world to hell with him.  But not on my watch.  Not in our city.  Not with this kind of revolution.

So what is your passion?  What is your calling?  What did Jesus create you for?

Is it to dance?  Is it to paint, write?  Is it to give and be a blessing to others?  Is it through your vocation?  Is it through serving?  How do you love best?

I am an evangelist but the Holy Spirit works through each of us differently and God has gifted us with different callings.  So my goal is to help others find their calling.  And to connect them with those who need it the most desperately. My dream is to shift reality here on earth.  That we would be UNAFRAID to be who God dreamed us to be, before we were ever created in the womb.

In Jeremiah 29, he writes:
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.

Find your calling, and seek God with all your heart to find out what your destiny is.  Because once you are walking in it, your dreams will COME TO LIFE! L'CHAIM!!!!

3/09/15 Monday Prayed with my store friend T, who I have seen grow up, since she was about 10 years old.  
She is an interesting mix of Jewish, Christian and Catholic but doesn't seem to believe in God at all. She is a senior in high school and it was so awesome to be able to share the gospel with her after many times of initiating conversations about God.  I had never really shared the gospel and good news of Jesus so hopefully some seeds were planted!  :D

3/10/15 Tuesday I ran into my friend Kaitlin and we prayed for a guy who had a missing toe and a black foot (he wasn't there but maybe he'll get the healing anyway).  Then I suddenly felt the need to share the gospel with the guy sitting next to me, as I didn't want to slack on my challenge.  Believe it or not he was a Christian from Tremont Temple Baptist Church, which is an evangelical church in Boston!  What an amazing mix of Chinese, Cape Verdean and Lebanese!  I was like, Oh, you're my Asian brother!  But it was nice to connect with him.

#evangelismchallenge 7Jan2015 Eddie

Really funny story...so I saw this guy standing at the JFK UMass platform. Kind of in this random spot behind the fridge so I just knew this challenge was going to be INTERESTING. We chatted about the cold, he's from Cape Cod. What an interesting look he had! At first I thought he was West Asian aka Middle Eastern. But then he didn't. His grandmother is from Thailand and I guess he's German and a bunch of other things.
Anyway I asked if anyone had ever shared the gospel with him. He said no. After a little back and forth he gave me 3 min but I told him we're going on the same train so 10 min. I shared about how Jesus came to live and die so he could have life. (He liked my evangecard Janel Blood!) He went to the Thai temple with his grandma sometimes so I shared about being a Buddhist for 11 years and searching for truth. His name was Eddie and he had this insanely cool gold backpack. Yes. It was gold. Though I already have several backpacks I have to admit I kind of wanted to go buy one at Evelyn's just like it. I prayed with Eddie and I could feel the prayer reaching him. I asked him to come to ‪#‎AletheiaChurch‬ and he said probably not. But I gave him a card anyway. He wanted a hug and it just seemed right. So please pray for his soul! I am really loving the ‪#‎EvangelismChallenge‬.
I thought I would want to stop once the year ended but it's become such a lifestyle shift, a mindset shift, living to serve others. I am CLEARLY not the most holy or godly person, (of course there's no comparison in God's eyes), and I still have so much son separating me from God, but I feel so on fire for Him every single time I share the gospel. Like I'm reaching my God given potential and this truly is what God means for me to do in Boston to ‪#‎reachthelost‬. Anyway I pray for you, my friends and readers, all the time that you would know Christ's awesome love, permeating this intense cold, cutting through all the bitterness, weariness of life. I feel so blessed to be able to share the Word of God without fear of death and persecution. I feel the full richness of life when I encounter the emptiness of this world. Wow. Just being in the middle of all His goodness. THIS is what it means to be in the heart of His divinity. Sometimes I can't reach it, just me and Him, but when I'm worship dancing or evangelizing, it's like a drug and I'm hooked. Crazy, right? I hope we can all access that holy Ecstasy that God means for us to experience. Day in day out. Be blessed my lovely friends!!!