Wednesday, January 7, 2015

#evangelismchallenge 7Jan2015 Eddie

Really funny I saw this guy standing at the JFK UMass platform. Kind of in this random spot behind the fridge so I just knew this challenge was going to be INTERESTING. We chatted about the cold, he's from Cape Cod. What an interesting look he had! At first I thought he was West Asian aka Middle Eastern. But then he didn't. His grandmother is from Thailand and I guess he's German and a bunch of other things.
Anyway I asked if anyone had ever shared the gospel with him. He said no. After a little back and forth he gave me 3 min but I told him we're going on the same train so 10 min. I shared about how Jesus came to live and die so he could have life. (He liked my evangecard Janel Blood!) He went to the Thai temple with his grandma sometimes so I shared about being a Buddhist for 11 years and searching for truth. His name was Eddie and he had this insanely cool gold backpack. Yes. It was gold. Though I already have several backpacks I have to admit I kind of wanted to go buy one at Evelyn's just like it. I prayed with Eddie and I could feel the prayer reaching him. I asked him to come to ‪#‎AletheiaChurch‬ and he said probably not. But I gave him a card anyway. He wanted a hug and it just seemed right. So please pray for his soul! I am really loving the ‪#‎EvangelismChallenge‬.
I thought I would want to stop once the year ended but it's become such a lifestyle shift, a mindset shift, living to serve others. I am CLEARLY not the most holy or godly person, (of course there's no comparison in God's eyes), and I still have so much son separating me from God, but I feel so on fire for Him every single time I share the gospel. Like I'm reaching my God given potential and this truly is what God means for me to do in Boston to ‪#‎reachthelost‬. Anyway I pray for you, my friends and readers, all the time that you would know Christ's awesome love, permeating this intense cold, cutting through all the bitterness, weariness of life. I feel so blessed to be able to share the Word of God without fear of death and persecution. I feel the full richness of life when I encounter the emptiness of this world. Wow. Just being in the middle of all His goodness. THIS is what it means to be in the heart of His divinity. Sometimes I can't reach it, just me and Him, but when I'm worship dancing or evangelizing, it's like a drug and I'm hooked. Crazy, right? I hope we can all access that holy Ecstasy that God means for us to experience. Day in day out. Be blessed my lovely friends!!!

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