Sunday, September 20, 2009


Racism is a plague that infects every corner of the globe. Humans/we assign value to others determined by color of your skin, how much money or possessions you have, your clothing, your beauty, and so much more. It is a very complicated and intricate system. Maybe you live in a tribe in Africa or a high rise in Bangalore or Boston, but everywhere in the world, there is an intricate pecking order, your status in your tribe or community, by age or caste or gender. It's a delicate balance and system that we are terrified to admit to and even question. This world order, even if we live in very small and cushioned worlds, is safe, because it's what you were taught. You better not break the system, because then people will attack you, or kill you. If you try to break out of this way of thinking, you will most certainly be punished. But the greatest leaders in the world try to break this system, and they paid dearly for it, with their lives. Abraham Lincoln, abolishing slavery. Martin Luther King, Jr, fighting the inequalities of our caste and color system. John F. Kennedy, a Catholic. Muhatma Gandhi, freedom from British rule. Indira Gandhi, a woman, a political leader. But they all tried to break the mold and the world order in one way or another. And in this way, they made history.
Value. We can get our value from the world or we can get our value from heaven. In the Holy Bible is says we are all equal and Go'ds children and made in the image of God. God does notg assin value to the superficial--He looks at our hearts. When you get to heaven, he won't look a thte size of your bank account, house, skind color, make of your car, He will ask, what does your heart look like? What did you do to share my love with those around you? Did you show them the love and message of Jesus? What did you tell those who were in pain and suffering, and how did you help them? What did you do with your life? What did you do in my name?
It is so easy to be offended and by divided by race and class and caste and hair color and gender and beauty. But being offended and hurt and destroyed by this system is a part of Satan's plan to kill, steal, rob and destroy us. It's his plan to separate us from each other and from God's love.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Outreach to Nepal

Praise the Lord! I got my outreach assignment....I am really excited to be going to Nepal!!!! The teams are small, there will be me and three other girls, three boys, and two staff. Please pray for our team! I am in Bangalore from now until Oct 8th, and then I will be on my way to Kathmandu, Nepal and arrive Oct 11th. Yeah, five days of travelling. Whee! We'll be there until about December 3rd, doing outreach in the city and visiting different villages. I think we'll be connected to the YWAM base in Kathmandu and doing outreach to prostitutes and child laborers and foreign travellers. And then I'll be back in Bangalore for a week for debriefing and graduation. I haven't made plans for after December 12th when my school ends. I will try to keep you all posted as to my travel plans for afterward.