Sunday, March 21, 2010

My birthday in Varanasi

Hello!  I thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes!  I am missing home so so much.  Particularly, the lack of horns blasting in your ear as you walk down the street (sure wish I had some noise cancelling headphones!  Ha ha.), clean streets, clean air with no dust, people who understand you and get cultural references, the diversity of food choices and fresh blueberries, strawberries, salmon, sushi, etc etc etc.

But what I love about being here: Indian food. Lovely people who embrace you even though you don't speak their language or really know their culture.  The friends I have met at this school are OH so lovely, especially the family in the next room, Aarti, Sanjeev, and son Ankur.  Then there are all the girls who have their very distinct personalities and are all so loveable in their own way.  They really made me feel special on my birthday.  Presha made me a card AND a sign, Monimala and Shubnam wrote me a card, the family gave me a chocolate bar (yes, I am always craving chocolate or any food that is slightly American or Korean), and all the girls sang to me and prayed for me.

       Jeevan took me out to lunch at the lovely Lotus Lounge where I found nirvana in the spaghetti with mushroom and peas in cream sauce (I always get that dish at the Cheesecake Factory) with Presha and another friend.  It was so mindblowing to be sitting on the ghats watching the river go by and a man on a white horse run on the other side of the river bank in the OLDEST city in the world.  Not to mention Brad Pitt was here in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.  It really is gorgeous and one of the nicest places in the world I have been to, which is saying a lot given all the nice places I've been to.  (Sorry, bragging a little, aren't I?) : P  Watching the sun set or rise on this river is like being there when God first created the world in ALL its divine glory.
        Then we watched this night ceremony to one of the gods after visiting a silk factory.  I got to share God's love to the factory owner after he asked me how I looked so young.  I told him what it says in the Bible:

Psalm 103 of David

1  Praise the Lord, O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 

2  Praise the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits— 

3  who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases, 

4  who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion, 

5  who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 

I told him that the love God gives me keeps me young.  He gave me a beautiful scarf for free.  And TRUST me, no one gives anyone anything for free in India.  Okay, that's not true, I have been given so much free stuff here, by the Grace of God!  My dad really treats me like a princess!  : )  I came back home and everyone prayed for me at dinner and actually at breakfast and throughout the whole day!  I really wanted to be home, but it was just as sweet with my Indian and international family!  I am telling you, my last two birthdays have been stupendous! 

Okay, a little more about my last month....went swimming in the Ganges River again on the boat ride home from the ashram.  Two times, and no second head growing out of my armpit.  Though I did get a little freaked out in the middle.  Yes, I know I am a little crazy.  I have chosen to embrace it.  It's how God made me, blame Him!  : P  I stayed at an ashram for two weeks and it was such an amazing spiritual experience.  Brought me back to my Buddhist days.  Though it was very different from meditating in the Buddhist temples in Korea.

Stayed in a Catholic ashram called Matridham.  Wow.  I was silent for four days.  I know.  I know.  Even I didn't think it was possible.  Greg will probably recall my ONE day silent protest against Columbus Day and genocide against Native Americans and racism and how incredibly difficult it was to keep quiet.  It was so AWESOME.  I want to try it in the States, too.  What I learned:
  • it's hard to keep quiet. 
  • it really helps one realize how much unnecessary talking we do in life.
  • what it feels like to be mute.
  • it's nice to not always feel like I have to be the center of attention.  lol.
And I was really weirded out when I started talking again!  I felt like I lost something.  Especially that we don't listen so much when we are talking all the time.  Duh!  That's why we have two ears and one mouth, so we can listen twice as much as we talk!  I highly encourage it on one of your off days.  Just go somewhere and be silent all day.  (Just bring a notepad because people will want to talk to you and get you to talk.)

I decided to enroll in school again, and am attempting to raise money to pay for the school and for my plane ticket home!  My life as a student and "worker" is coming to a close in June, but I am attempting to make the most of my time here in India.  My visa ends June 2nd and I will probably fly back to Boston on that date.

Please let me know (you can send a check to my parents' address) if you are willing to support me in the Great Commission here.  I did have one supporter who gave me his tax return check as a blessing, which bought my one way ticket to India!  And I have ONE supporter now who is really the only way I am staying here at all. Yes, God is good.  And if you don't believe that if you trust in Him to supply your every need, read Faith and Finances by Loren Cunningham!  Anyway, that's just where I'm at.  Miss you.  Talk to you later! 

Loving life, Loving God, Loving YOU!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I am in Varanasi right now with the School of Hindu Studies. It is really awesome. I am in an ashram, meditating on the Lord. It's pretty amazing. There is a really cool Nepali guy here, so I got to speak all ten phrases that I knew! Missing you guys all a lot! Yes, I am crazy, I swam across the Ganges today...hey, if I can swim in the Mekong River in China, I can swim in India.  Please pray for me.... ♥