Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kathmandu and first month in Nepal

The past few weeks have been absolutely amazing. I landed in Kathmandu from Kolkata (Calcutta being the name given by British colonizers) and thought it was so beautiful and clean upon landing at Tribuvhan Airport....then spent the rest of my time here getting acclimated to the dust. It is SUPER dusty, given that there is no rain. I actually think that is awesome, but do not like how the roads are so dusty. I can just imagine being in Iraq and breathing in dust and sand all the time (hats off to you, Mike!). Instead there is mist every morning and evening, so if you leave your stuff outside it gets all soggy. I LOVE our house here. It is so sweet. Like an MTV Cribs house, or the Real World with YWAM Bangalore on Outreach. We have not killed each other yet, though I think sometimes we are getting on each others nerves. It is so gorgeous...except the bed bugs. Oh yes, there are bed bugs. BED BUGS ARE HELL, FROM HELL. There was a blanket on the top shelf that we pulled out to watch a movie and I think it was infested. I can not believe they live for a year with no food! (us) After much praying and a suggestion from Cynthia (my outreach team leader from Ohio) that I put my wicker bed outside, and vacuuming like crazy, the bugs do not bite me as much. Except I think they laid eggs in my suitcase and now they are on my clothes. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!! I try to put my clothes and blanket in the sun as much as possible. But they are in the wood closets, me thinks. I am SO grateful they are not as prevalent in the past few days. It is a much needed relief.
We went to Chitwan my second week here. It was SO much fun! There is a Korean couple who run two orphanages, Hope (Somang) House and Moonlight (which has a bible college in development. Their website is They are a very cool couple and welcomed us with open arms. Please donate to them or even pray about volunteering with them for a couple weeks or months. You will NOT be disappointed. I fell in love with these small children, especially Smirti, Lila, baby Frank (we call him that because he looks JUST like Frank Khaute from YWAM Bangalore), Bindu, Binay, and some other naughty rugrats that stole our hearts. The tragic thing about each one of these 200 orphans from Hope House is that they are woken up with praise and worship music at 4:30 am. Yeah, I have never hated worship music so much as when I was being woken up at the UNGODLY hour. Seriously, this could be the biggest deterrent for me going back there. The children of all ages, from 1 or 2 years old to 17 or 18 are all amazing. We got to teach them some action songs, like I am in the Lords Army and Mercy is Falling and Jambo, Jesus Loves You, etc. Then we did some drama skits, Everything and Set Me Free, and two hip hop dances, Shackles and Diversity. But at Moonlight (sadly we were only there for one night), they TOTALLY blew us away with breakdancing and doing 3-4 backflips in a row. Their dancing was SICK! And their coordination was amazing. They made us look so sad and weak.
Chitwan has crocodiles (which I did not think there were in Nepal, sorry Ezekiel, you were right!), rhinos and tigers, some of which come right up to their campus of 10 hectares.

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