Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Awesome sermon by Dr. Mike Murdock--Prosperity Now!

3) What you are willing to walk away from determines what God will bring to you.

4) What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

5) The seasons of your life will change every time you decide to use your faith.

6) What you respect, you will attract. HONOR!

7) Seed faith is sowing what you have been given to create what you have been promised.

In Isaiah 58, there are four guaranteed harvests.

1) Your health will spring forth speedily.

Psalm 91
Ezekiel 27

2) A mantle of wisdom will come upon you, God will guide you continually. (Every decision you make will create increase, not decrease.

3) Financially blessed with incredible abundance.

4) Your family will be restored.

I choose to believe!!!!


  1. Believing,for God's promises.....

  2. God will make what seems impossible for me,Possible. For I know the plans I have for you sayeth the Lord...Thanking you for your prosperity God.
